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Sunday, January 16, 2011

The End of the Road is near

To my followers and blog readers:

Thank you for being so dedicated and supportive. If you are not yet a follower and read my blog, please follow me. I also would like to apologize for neglecting to post the past couple of days, so let me get you updated!

Friday was a great day, I got my hair colored and cut (007 does not like change and didn't really like the cut change) but i find it to be a little more dynamic and a change for 2011. This was also a very busy weekend since i start school on Tuesday! It is hard to believe that i only have 123 days until graduation!! I got my school books and everything and i am ready to conquer the last semester. 

To end the last weekend before the semester we spent time shopping in denver and the castle rock outlets, and yes surprising i still have not bought a new coach purse. Yay me! I did order some new gloves for my dirt bike.. one step at a time in hopes the weather will warm up quick so i can go riding. 

Now to go onto FOOTBALL playoffs..
Yes- Green Bay
Okay i guess- Chicago
OOOH YEAH upset- Jets
Lets get defensive- Steelers

I'd love to see the Jets vs. Green Bay in the Superbowl. 

Im excited for my classes to start and for time to fly by! And no more Tuesday work days should help my class studies ( and for those whom i ll be playing Volleyball against... get ready! )

Heres my quote to keep me going this week: 
Collect as precious pearls the words of the wise and virtuous.

*Have a Good Week*

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