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Sunday, February 13, 2011

A couple weeks later...

I apologize for not being on top of my blogosphere lately, I have been very preoccupied with school and apartment searching.  So.. let me get everything caught up.

School: Can I say I have finally broke into the double digits... oh yeah 95 days! I am more than excited to finish up school, and at this time have elected to take some time away from school opposed to my Masters. My classes this semester are going very well, but after my first astronomy test, I thought to myself... is it Spring Break yet?

Work: Everyday is always a new day and opportunity is always opening doors, its just a matter if the doors welcome you at the entrance or not.
Jumping at several small opportunities may get us there more quickly than waiting for one big one to come along.  ~Hugh Allen

Life: Moving out could not be any more of a priority then it is right now to me, I am tired of having to put up with the grief and loudness while I'm trying to study. I suppose when you are going on 23 its time to move out and move on.  The immaturity's I deal with on a daily basis are just not worth it. Finally we got warm weather and I didn't even take advantage of being able to ride my dirt bike, but thats okay.. because now it runs and i have my gear ready to go... now just to see if i can sell my car so i dont have to depend on using dad's truck to go. Tiny is finally growing and his shell is starting to change, look out for pictures within the week (i hope to blog on a more consistent basis).. and as for bandit.. poor little guy has a bad allergy and a double ear infection. :( Time for some antibiotics.. no kids for me anytime soon!! 

Well I just finished up my persuasion homework and updated you all on what has been going on, so heres to another week... and to start it with the day of    LOVE :)


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