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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New job Industry

Why you should Blog

Recently, after reading this article it really made me realize how important social media and internet presence is.

The current economy has caused for measures of making yourself stand out, and become more creative then before. Do you think resumes will completely be avoided by all industries in the future? An interesting topic to ponder, as I read another article on the Wall Street Journal it made me wonder why all job postings aren't asking for more from applicants. Many companies are now requesting videos, surveys, and other creative measures to make sure the right person is chosen for the position. I think a resume may not always capture the social and communication style of the individual  that may be the best fit for the listed position.

Interesting tidbits to take into consideration!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Where did the year go?

Wow! I feel like 2011 has moved so quickly and has involved so much change in my life.

3-11: Began a job in advertising and marketing
4-11: Got a Subaru WRX again
5-11: Graduated College
8-11: Got back into the banking industry
11-11-11: David proposed to me, now engaged!
12-11: Got a dirtbike again

All of my Christmas shopping is completed and wrapped. And now am looking to the many events that will take place in 2012!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Out on my own, and football

Dear followers,

Recently, I have moved out on my own. Its been such a fun and great experience thus far.
I start my new job as an FSO on Monday which i am so excited for the challenge about to confront me.

While walking bandit, me and him encountered a couple of frogs and other mysterious animals lurking around. The "heated" pool is pretty chilly for being heated. Look forward to seeing the many fun stories of living on my own, and the competitive updates on our fantasy football league.

Follow me on twitter for the minute by minute plays.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Big Dreams... Warm Hopes

These past few weekends have been quite a thrill, I have been riding my dirtbike and just love it!!

I have even managed to run 1.5 miles every other day and fit the incline in. However, my most recent trip to the incline ended with a hard spill gauging my entire leg and skinning my hands. For now.. safe walking on the way down. Barr trail is more washed out then ever but the incline did not feel as challenging as usual, i hope this is a sign of me being in better shape.

Two weeks from now, 007 and I will be in AZ for the 4th of July weekend, all i can think of is poolside days, river party, and good food... plus endless heat.

For my dedicated followers i know i have fallen behind, yet again but keep your eyes out i plan on blogging more.. but for the minute to minute updates on what im doing follow me on twitter @cgustin1

Have a good night all.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Finally, I re-connect.


So sorry it has been ages since i have blogged. So much catching up to do my fellow followers and random readers.

I finally completed the 5 year plan and graduated at University of Colorado at Colorado Springs almost a week ago. I have been living in the real world (yet still in my parents basement). Move out is quickly approaching me June 4th can not get here soon enough.

Since my last post, I have started a new job, got a new car, and finished school... WHOA. I cant keep up with myself. I like my job, it is so different then everything i have ever known, except my studies in school are much more closely related to it.

On the note of Colorado, can we either get some warm weather, or ...... can i go somewhere warm? I thought it was the end of May.  Thankfully, I re-connect with the online blogger zone... (it helps if i remember my password, silly blonde).

Day 3 going on 4 of my summer diet and down 2-3 pounds lets keep the trend up!

Goodnight for tonight, but i will post frequently now that I am not a gizillion places in one day.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A couple weeks later...

I apologize for not being on top of my blogosphere lately, I have been very preoccupied with school and apartment searching.  So.. let me get everything caught up.

School: Can I say I have finally broke into the double digits... oh yeah 95 days! I am more than excited to finish up school, and at this time have elected to take some time away from school opposed to my Masters. My classes this semester are going very well, but after my first astronomy test, I thought to myself... is it Spring Break yet?

Work: Everyday is always a new day and opportunity is always opening doors, its just a matter if the doors welcome you at the entrance or not.
Jumping at several small opportunities may get us there more quickly than waiting for one big one to come along.  ~Hugh Allen

Life: Moving out could not be any more of a priority then it is right now to me, I am tired of having to put up with the grief and loudness while I'm trying to study. I suppose when you are going on 23 its time to move out and move on.  The immaturity's I deal with on a daily basis are just not worth it. Finally we got warm weather and I didn't even take advantage of being able to ride my dirt bike, but thats okay.. because now it runs and i have my gear ready to go... now just to see if i can sell my car so i dont have to depend on using dad's truck to go. Tiny is finally growing and his shell is starting to change, look out for pictures within the week (i hope to blog on a more consistent basis).. and as for bandit.. poor little guy has a bad allergy and a double ear infection. :( Time for some antibiotics.. no kids for me anytime soon!! 

Well I just finished up my persuasion homework and updated you all on what has been going on, so heres to another week... and to start it with the day of    LOVE :)


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Long Overdue

Hi everyone!

So sorry i have not been updating on what is going on.

School: Has been very good for the most part and homework has not been too overwhelming. The only bad thing i have to say is my day today... -13 without windchill and when its -3 and im done with classes and having to walk across campus 6 times they decide to close. Not to mention i wore 4 shirts, my snowboaring jacket, gloves, and a hat and was still cold.

Work: Always a learning and growing experience, I'd just like to acknowledge the team work and C-dog who went above and beyond to get a full relationship. I love my job.

Volleyball: cancelled this evening but our first game went really well, and i expect the pattern to continue!

Life: I was contemplating going for my masters degree, but honestly i think i could use a break. I have 107 days until graduation and I'm looking forward to my trip to Hawaii. I am looking at moving out just into an apartment to continue saving for a house(in case i decide to leave CO). I finally got my dirt bike to work and now have to get the rest of my equipment in order to ride safely. Tiny is still eating his new gourmet food like a pig, and bandit has an ear infection-- always something!

It is now dinner time and that is my update so far. Tah Tah